Michael Dornu Amewuda (Ghana)
IHE Delft│Netherlands & KNUST│Ghana
Performance assessment of a two-stage aerobic rotating biological contactor (Ghana)
In Ghana, most industries discharge their effluents into water bodies either totally untreated or only partially treated. In view of this, I assessed the performance of the Cargill Cocoa’s two-stage aerobic Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) wastewater treatment unit. My study examined the effects of the disc rotational speed and the hydraulic retention time on the performance of the RBC. My results showed that none of the RBC disc speeds and hydraulic retention time were able to reduce the maximum parameters defined in the approved Ghanaian environmental guidelines. In order to meet the guidelines, I concluded that a tertiary treatment should be introduced to the wastewater treatment scheme.
2015│Performance assessment of a two stage aerobic rotating biological contactor in the treatment of cocoa processing wastewater: a case study of Cargill cocoa processing company (Ghana)Download